+421 (0) 918 973 339
Digital Park III, Einsteinova 19, 851 01, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
"Perfection is our Standard"
The fast life in business often disallows a thorough analysis of consequences of principal decisions. Despite this, each responsible manager is aware of risks of an insufficient legal preparation and long-term unsustainability of the decision-making without high-quality legal support.
CL Community
CL Community Programs ensure legal support for communities and for the public sphere. Regardless of whether it concerns the support of innovative companies, civil activities or public administration, the law office provides for legal advisory and representation for many clients of this type.
CL Business

Capitol Legal™ law office was established in 2007. Since its establishment, it has provided hundreds of clients with hundreds of thousands of hours of legal services and other acts related to the administration, asset management, project management and other managerial activities in relation to projects, contracts and related activities in a significant aggregate value.